2025 Burke Chamber Litter Sweep
Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 2, 2025 Wednesday Apr 9, 2025
Anytime throughout the day...Team Chooses!
Suggested times:
9 AM - 12 PM and/or 1PM - 4 PM
Throughout Burke County
FREE to participate!
Investment levels now available to member businesses/organizations. Click for details.
Contact Information
Jenna Cole
Send Email

Event Sponsors
2025 Burke Chamber Litter Sweep
The Chamber is looking to unite the community by getting citizens involved in tackling the issue of litter in Burke County through its 4th Annual Litter Sweep. This event will take place between April 2-9 of 2025. Everyone is invited to participate!
This event is FREE and supplies are provided!
Cash prizes will be awarded to the three (3) teams that collect the most litter!
How it works:
Step One:
Register your team, have each teammate complete their paperwork, and pickup supplies at the Kick-Off Event on Tuesday, April 1st. Can't make it? Email or call Jenna to schedule a pickup time.
Step Two:
Go out and collect litter in the area that your team registered for between April 2nd and 9th.
Step Three:
Drop off your bags of litter at one of the convenience sites listed in the information pamphlet (will be provided). Have the site attendant sign off on your team sheet.
Step Four:
Turn in your team sheet & supplies to the Chamber no later than Friday, April 11th during our office hours. Winning teams will be announced at the Litter Sweep Celebration on Tuesday, April 15th.
What about recycling?:
The Burke County Chamber of Commerce would like to encourage all teams to collect recycling as well as trash!
For recyclable items (recycling guide will be provided), please make sure to bring them to the Chamber when full. Litter bags must be dropped off at one of the convenience sites listed in the participation pamphlets. There will be a prize for the team that collects the most recycling!
Remember, bags of recycling will need to be dropped off at the Chamber during business hours. A member of our team will record the number of recycling bags each team turned in.
Please direct all questions to Jenna Cole at the Chamber.
Phone: 828.437.3021
Email: jcole@burkecounty.org